A 26 billion dataset was pirated from platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Tencent, Dropbox, Adobe, Canva, Telegram, and government agencies including the U.S., Brazil, Germany, the Philippines, and Turkey. This “mother of all breaches” (MOAB) includes both old and new compromised data.

Finding such a massive amount of leaked information from big websites and government offices is a really big deal. It shows that there's a major problem with keeping our data safe online. There are 26 billion pieces of info in total, which is a huge amount. These websites and organizations might not be doing enough to protect our info from hackers.

What's even more worrying is that a lot of this leaked info comes from old breaches. It means that our data has been exposed before, and now it's happening again. It's like a leaky faucet that keeps dripping, and it's a big concern for everyone's privacy and safety online. There will be significant repercussions for businesses and individuals alike. Beyond being a mere breach, it serves as a comprehensive toolkit for hackers to execute various cyberattacks, including identity theft. This presents an ongoing risk to personal and corporate security.

This new data in the mix also shows that the problem isn't going away. It's a wake-up call for websites and organizations to do better at keeping our info safe. And it's not just a problem for one country—it's happening all over the world. So, it's going to take a team effort between governments and tech companies to tackle this issue effectively.

As a result of this big breach, these organizations and government agencies are going to be under a lot of pressure to step up their security game. And for people whose info was leaked, it's important to take quick action to protect themselves online.


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